Link Building Guide - Drive Quality Links to your website

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Points to be consider while doing link exchange

Link Building is a process of getting quality websites link to your website, in order to improve your link popularity or the page rank. Also term as back links.As every seo/webmaster know that the getting more links from other sites pointed to your website, it will help you to get higher rankings in search engines such as Google - but not all links are created equal.

Before giving links to the other website or doing link exchange, you should consider the few points

  1. Relevancy : Link Exchange with the website who is similar to your business. Eg if you have mobile related website, link exchange with the website offering mobile accessories, mobile phone, mobile ring tone etc.
  2. Page Rank : Check the page rank of the website, home page and the page where your link is added.
  3. Cached : Check whether the page where your link is place is cached or not.
  4. Cached Date : Check the date when google has crowled the web page.
  5. Cached Text : If the page is cached, check the cached text and compare with the present visible text. Do this step to know is google is caching text or not.
  6. No of links : Count how many links are already present in the given web page where your link is added. If the web page have more that 25 - 30 links dont reciprocate with that website.
  7. Containing Relevant Link : Check the linke page consisting of relevant links. If it containg different subject link, dont reciprocate.
  8. Two Clicks Away : The page where you r getting links should not be 2 click away from the home page.
  9. Linked from home page : The page should be linked from home page. It should not be an orphan page.
  10. Do Not Reciprocate with the banned website : Check website is it banned by google or not.
  11. Relevant Category : Check your link is present in the relevant category in the resouce page.
  12. Do Not have linked with the spam website : While doing 3 way link exchage other webmaster give links from the website which is used only for link exchange and contains only link not giving the services. Dont link exchange with these website.
  13. Link Exchange with the website which is offering Services.
If you follow above points you will get quality of links. I know that it is very difficult to analyse but if you follow your site will be on the top of every search engine.

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