Link Building Guide - Drive Quality Links to your website

Your comprehensive Link building guide.Build ethical one-way links,free web directory, article directory etc. Learn about the step-by-step process, advantages and ways of building links through this blog.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tips on How to Check the Progress of Your Link Building Campaign

There are many tools that can be used to check the progress of a link building campaign. The most popular ones used by webmasters and SEO experts across the world are Google and Yahoo. Along with these two, there are other web sites also that provide tools to check the number of back links that a particular site has got. The process of checking this is quite simple. However, much as simple it is, yet many people do not use these tools properly or to the full potential of the tools.

A common mistake that people usually make is that they use only Google and Yahoo tools to check the progress of their back links. They go to Google or Yahoo! and type in “link:YourURLhere”. But by doing this, they don’t see all the results in either of the domains and remain under a false impression. The best way to check the progress of your link building campaigns is by not restricting to only Google and Yahoo! but also use other websites for checking back-links. However care must be taken that you use Google’s Webmaster Tools as well as Yahoo’s SiteExplorer tools as two of the different sites you use to check the performance of your link building campaign.

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Friday, April 4, 2008

15 Tips of Blogging so that Bloggers Write About You: Part 3

Find the last 5 points out of the 15 points about blogging so that bloggers write about you.
Now without much beating about the bush, let us just get down to the main point or rather points:

  1. Don’t worry about people directly linking to your images and not to the page that contains the image. If you have your URL in your images, you can simply have traffic being driven back to your site. Such an inlined image is quite inexpensive than a Google Ad and it also brings relevant traffic.
  2. You can have high-res images in your site. Having a large image can let other cut and choose a relevant part from your image to put in their posts.
  3. Do you have a JavaScript that keeps popping up each time when some one tries to save your images? Does the JavaScript keeps conveying some copyright messages? It is always advisable to remove any such features so that your blog can get popular.
  4. Do not be rigid about copyright issues. What you write in your blog gets copyrighted immediately as you publish your post. Having rigid copyright issues might make people write about someone else’s site and you can wish a tearful goodbye to your chances to the hall of fame.
  5. It always pays to have a byline and URL to any part or image on your site. This is your way of letting bloggers know how you would like to be recognized.
I hope these points were useful to you. However, if you have further suggestions or queries, do keep me updated with your comments.

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